Who is the training for?

Body-Centered Coaching is primarily for coaches who are a members/certificants of a professional coach certification organization (i.e., ICF, NBHWC, UKIHCA) and/or have a coaching certification from a program recognized by a professional coach certification organization. An understanding of core coaching skills is necessary. Credentialed therapists and bodyworkers may also benefit from these classes.

Is this a Coaching Methodology?

This is not a coaching methodology. The application of these strategies does not constitute end-to-end session structure. They are strategies that can enhance the coach’s toolkit and may be incorporated into a coaching session, as applicable.

What will the training give you?

Integrating body centered coaching strategies can be especially valuable when clients feel stuck and are “in their head” in a way that keeps them stuck. These processes are designed to help clients tap into their inner knowing/awareness by inviting them to engage in an integrated (thoughts, emotions and body sensations) inquiry related to a challenge or concern. Creating a safe space to tap into the full spectrum of mind/body/spirit deepens and broadens the opportunity for clients to notice what is present in their inner experience, to gain clarity from that awareness and to push past barriers to forward movement.

The Introductory Class is designed as an introduction to the core concepts and foundational principles of body centered coaching.

The Certification Class is designed to take you to the next level of professional competence and confidence in the application of the nine strategies and how you can integrate/naturally flow from one strategy into another.

What makes the Body-Centered Method different from other somatic trainings?

  • Body-Centered Coaching has a unique set of skills that incorporates multi-disciplinary approaches to deliver sustainable change.
  • It can be taught and practiced in person, over the phone or online with Skype or Zoom with equal effectiveness.
  • The training is a valuable adjunct to what a coach is already doing.
  • The skills and techniques are flexible and versatile, and you will be able to use them to fit your own style.
  • It focuses on coaching, and it is important to recognize that it is not a therapy model.
  • Body-Centered Coaching provides additional and dynamic processes that can be applied one-on-one or in a group situation. They can also be applied to any leadership model geared towards organizational or team development.

When should these strategies NOT be used?

When the client does not want to try it. A client should always be offered and never forced to experience any strategy as an approach to try out and always with an understanding of what the process is.

When the client has PTS (Post-Traumatic Stress) or PTSD (diagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and the coach is not properly trained in working with PTS or PTSD. 


Reason For Reaching Out

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