Embodied Resources

"Intellect, emotion, and spirit depend on one another for wholeness. They are interwoven in the human self and in education at its best." ~ Parker Palmer

Some clients are “always in their head” and have no idea or experience of how to access their inner wisdom. Consequently they can become caught in thought processes that keep them stuck and unfulfilled in their lives. Sometimes clients need their coach to help them connect with inner wisdom, strength and resilience they may not know how to access. In the Embodied Resources training, you will learn and experience three tools that enable clients (and coaches!) to move beyond the mind and access the body’s natural intelligence, gain greater insight and make powerful life shifts.

With Body- Centered Coaching, you will learn:

  • How to help clients access, trust, and anchor, their core resources for navigating difficult or emotional situations.
  • How to support clients to reduce stress and chaos by growing their capacity to ‘be with’ uncomfortable feelings, engage their ‘inner witness,’ and listen to their body’s messages
  • Advanced tools to move beyond the mind and access the body’s natural intelligence, gain greater insight and make powerful life shifts.

The Three Processes

Remembering the Resource

This body-centered technique helps clients to realign with what has gone right in their lives - their resources and their accomplishments. They connect with their internal ‘natural resources’, which are reminders of their resilience and strength. This process creates a positive feeling, often accompanied by an image or symbol, which the client can call on to help them handle their current situation.

Embodying Metaphor

It is important that you listen to the language your clients use. They may express themselves in the form of metaphors, word pictures and other words or phrases. Often the language they use is representative of how their body is feeling and contains valuable information about how they experience the world. This technique can be used both as a way of being with a client going through a difficult situation or as a way to celebrate an accomplishment with them.

Embracing the Signal

‘Embracing the signal’ is primarily an attitude.  It’s an attitude that says to our body, “I am listening. Thanks for signaling me to pay attention and to be mindful.” In Body-Centered Coaching, the intention is to get curious about physical sensations: anything from pleasure to pain.  Everything that is happening in the body can be something to become interested in; thereby assisting your clients do likewise. It also involves curiosity, appreciation and giving thanks.


Reason For Reaching Out

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