Decision Making

Decision making is at the heart of the coaching conversation. And yet, traditional decision making models often bypass the wisdom of the heart.

When clients are facing challenging decisions, they often bring them to you - especially when their head and their heart appear to be ‘at odds.’ To be of highest service to your clients, your job is to help your client come to a decision that is fully aligned for them on all levels - body, mind, and spirit. In the Embodied Decisions training, you will learn and experience three techniques that enable clients to gain access to their body’s wisdom with greater confidence and clarity, to explore and even ‘try on’ their decisions in safe, creative, ways that ultimately will enable them to make decisions with confidence, congruence, and commitment.

In Body-Centered Decision Making, you will learn:

  • How to guide your client to access their body’s wisdom with greater confidence and clarity.
  • How to support clients to explore and even ‘try on’ their decisions in safe, creative, ways.
  • Proven techniques and methodology that will enable your clients to make decisions they will commit to, and create meaningful, sustainable, change in their lives.

The Three Processes

Experimenting With Possibilities

This body-centered technique helps clients discover information that is not readily available through the intellect. Embracing the skill of mindfulness allows clients to tap into the body’s wisdom and experience additional insight. This technique offers a quiet, meditative state for clients to be with each option and feel the full impact of that particular choice.

Acting as if…

This is an active and engaging technique that provides clients with an opportunity to ‘try on’ a number of perspectives. This allows the client to embody different perspectives without the pressure of committing to a particular decision, thus facilitating access to their body wisdom and intuition.

Stepping Over the Line

This process allows clients to get clarity on their commitment to new action and to follow through…or not. It has clients look at what they would now need to say no to while honoring the past and recognizing how it led them to where they are now. They look at what they are now saying yes to: new possibilities, new encounters, new direction. As they choose to cross over the line, the commitment becomes strong, congruent and sustainable.


Reason For Reaching Out

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