You Want Something More for Your Clients

Something that will transform their lives into ways that they can only imagine!

You're already a skilled coach or helping professional but you know that you can offer something more, something deeper that will change how your clients experience life on every level.

Body-Centered Coaching is about coaching the whole-self, the SOMA: from the Greek meaning “the body living in its wholeness.”

Body-Centered Coaches invite the whole self experientially into the coaching conversation to tap into your wisdom, knowing and clarity at a deeper level and faster results

We incorporate exploration and powerful questions that cut through disempowering beliefs, patterns and fears that keep you stuck, help resolve ambivalence that traps you in “should I or shouldn’t I” limbo, and circumvents the problem of being “stuck in your head”

Integrating Body-Centered Coaching creates the opening for clients to live their best-life vision, empowered and full out.

It's time to get the body involved - to engage your client’s wholeselves in the coaching process so that you, and they, can get to the heart of the matter with greater ease, speed, and clarity; so you can help your clients shed their limiting beliefsmake decisions they will commit to, and develop embodied resources that will give them greater confidence, resilience and presence.

Are you ready to take your coaching to a whole new level of excellence?

Explore our core training...


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